Webinar #04 on EMI: Advancing English-medium instruction research: quantitative methods and insights

6 March2025

Type: Arqus Plurilingual and Intercultural Hub, Communities of Practice

Format: Online, Seminar

Open to: Academics & researchers, Admin. Staff, Students, Teachers

The webinar, delivered by Dr Samantha Curle, Reader at the University of Bath, will take place online on Thursday 6 March 2025, from 12:00 to 13:00 (CET). This seminar will introduce key concepts and approaches from her recently published book Researching English Medium Instruction: Quantitative Methods for Students and Researchers.

This is the fourth event in English-Medium Instruction (EMI) seminar series for 2024–25 run by Maynooth University and titled “Advancing English Medium Instruction research: quantitative methods and insights”. The webinar will explore how quantitative methodologies, such as ANOVA, Likert-type surveys, and structural equation modelling, can be applied to investigate EMI practices, challenges, and outcomes. Dr Curle specialises in EMI, with a research focus on success factors such as content learning outcomes, English proficiency, and psychological influencing constructs in higher education contexts.

Participants will gain insights into the theoretical foundations and practical applications of quantitative research in EMI, review empirical case studies featured in the book, and reflect on how these approaches can inform their own research and practice. Students, academic and non-academic staff from Arqus universities are encouraged to participate.

Registration for online participation is required.


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