Joint Programmes Trainings

One of the goals of the Arqus European University Alliance is to develop Joint Programmes at all levels based on the results of the previous project period and on bottom-up proposals from partner universities.

Joint Programmes are offered jointly by two or more participating higher education institutions located in different countries. These jointly planned and developed study programmes lead to single national, double, multiple, or joint diplomas.

To support interested academic and administrative staff in this endeavor, the team of Arqus Learning Pathways has designed a series of training courses at basic and advanced levels and on various topics relevant to the design and implementation of joint programmes.

The first two training sessions are designed as modules that can be attended separately or consecutively and are open to academic and administrative staff on departmental and central levels who are interested in the design and the development of joint programmes but have no extensive experience in implementing them.

The training courses are held by experienced professionals from the field of joint programme implementation at Arqus partner universities.

Module 1: Joint Programmes: A very initial introduction to the why and how

Participants will be introduced to the concept of joint programmes focusing on their rationale and motivation to set them up. Terminology like joint, double or multiple degrees will be investigated to enable participants to distinguish between several traditions and common (mis)understandings of joint programmes. First steps such as identifying partner institutions and main elements of joint programmes will be presented to lay the ground for participation in module 2.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this module participants will:

  • Understand why jp are of benefit to institutions and individuals in the context of internationalizing of the curricula
  • Be able to distinguish different terminology approaches towards jp
  • Know key aspects of how to choose partner institutions
  • Have an idea of key programme features rendering it a jp.

Target group

Academic and administrative staff on departmental and central level that are interested in joint programmes but have no extensive experience in implementing them.

Structure and Input

60 min. presentation:

  • Introduction to reasons of setting up a jp (benefits for institutions and individuals)
  • Terminology overview (key terms and differences in common approaches) and Arqus glossary
  • Tools for partner search (own partnership portfolio, Arqus as a network source, external matchmaking platforms/events)
  • Overview on key elements (i.e. mobility, joint administrative procedures, co-teaching/co-supervising, degree issuance)

30 min. discussion:

Q/A session focusing on Arqus partner institutions and their experience/background

Module 2: Joint Programmes: Preparing the grounds for a successful programme implementation

Participants will be familiarized with the first stages of developing an Arqus joint programme. A roadmap will outline how to get to know one’s partners on a level that allows successful collaboration. Internal and external stakeholders and their involvement will be discussed as well as how to effectively communicate and reflect functions in a governance structure.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this module participants will:

  • Understand the main steps toward the development of a Joint programme with Arqus partners
  • Be able to identify internal and external stakeholders, know their role within the consortium and how to get them onboard
  • Know how to establish efficient communication and governance structures on programme level.

Target group

Academic and administrative staff on departmental and central level that are interested in joint programmes but have no extensive experience in implementing them. Having participated in module 1 is of benefit.

Structure and Input

60 min. presentation:

  • Roadmap of jp development (phases from programme initiation via implementation to evaluation and adaptation)
  • Comparison table identifying partner’s complementarity and challenges (joi.con project)
  • Communication and management structure incl. example for composition of consortium (organisational chart)

30 min. discussion:

Q/A session focusing on Arqus partner institutions and their experience/background


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