Communities of Practice

The Arqus Communities of Practice are communities of professionals that come together for bench- and peer-learning in all areas of institutional activity, as well as to offer staff development opportunities across all partner institutions.

Arqus is working in the establishment of concentric, intersecting and interlinked networks of members of each of our universities, building a sense of online community and Arqus identity. In order to move forward in building a truly European University, Arqus believes that the many existing formal and informal working groups, committees and other groupings constitute the basis for our joint institutional learning and transformational approach.

Now, a group of professionals is creating the structure to offer an upscaled and institutionalized framework for Arqus Communities not only in those areas already identified as key to the building of our shared future, but also in emerging areas for cooperation.

Meet the Arqus Communities of Practice

Arqus International Forum on Romance Studies (AIFRS)

What we do

The AIFRS-network is an initiative bringing together over 50 scholars from various Arqus universities since 2021. The forum focuses on researchers working with Romance languages, primarily in the fields of linguistics and literary-cultural studies. CoP activities include summer schools and international seminars for students from Arqus universities, colloquia on Romance linguistics and literature, and conferences dedicated to minority languages in Europe. The initiative aims to deepen scientific connections between universities through the organization of diverse scientific and developmental activities, as well as the development of innovative research directions. In the context of Arqus goals, the group actively engages in activities related to multilingualism, directing its research and teaching towards developing skills for mutual understanding among Romance languages.

Universities that are part of this CoP

  • University of Granada
  • University of Graz
  • Leipzig University
  • University of Minho
  • University of Padua
  • Vilnius University
  • University of Wrocław


David Porcel Bueno
University of Granada

Arqus Cultural Communities Network

What we do

Arqus Cultural Communities Network (with focus on universities culture and art centres, its administrators and managers) aims to:

  • bring together the cultural community of the Arqus Alliance into a longterm and sustainable network of partners and to maintain community relations,
  • seek closer inter-institutional cooperation, to get acquainted with the cultural, art and artistic activities carried out at universities and the specifics of their work, to share and exchange good practices and experiences, learn from each other,
  • create a space and opportunity for sharing the ideas, joint development and implementation of international cultural initiatives, events and projects,
  • add a new dimension “Culture” on Arqus Alliance cooperation activities and agenda.

Universities that are part of this CoP

Sonata Adomaitienė
Vilnius University

CoP for the prevention and management of discrimination, (sexual) harrasment and mobbing at universities

What we do

The CoP was established to share best practices and knowledge on preventing discrimination, harassment, and bullying at universities. CoP activities include discussion forums, presentations on prevention and management models, support and information exchange, document sharing, and information sharing. The community plans to develop new resources and organize partner meetings to deepen knowledge of best practices and the latest trends in the field.

Universities that are part of this CoP

  • University of Graz
  • University of Lyon 1
  • University of Minho
  • Vilnius University

Marija Norvaisaite
Vilnius University

Cultural Activities

What we do

CoP outlines a strategic initiative to foster cultural collaboration among choirs, orchestras, theatres, and other artistic collectives within the Arqus Alliance universities. The plan encompasses a series of activities, including a performance of Vivaldi’s Gloria, infrastructure assessment, creative camps, rehearsals, and a principal major concert over the course of 2023-2025. Staff development is a key focus, involving the exchange of views, mapping possibilities, goal setting, identification of working methods, best practice sharing, and the enhancement of communication. The added value of this initiative lies in introducing a new cultural dimension to the Arqus Alliance, complementing its existing scientific collaborations. By incorporating a major cultural event, the initiative aims to elevate the visibility of the network, raising awareness externally among audiences unfamiliar with Arqus and internally among university students. This dual approach enhances the network’s position in a competitive environment, distinguishing it from other alliances and reinforcing its standing in both cultural and scientific spheres.

Universities that are part of this CoP

  • University of Granada
  • University of Graz
  • University of Lyon 1
  • University of Vilnius
  • University of Wrocław


Rasa Gelgotiene
Vilnius University

Research Support Officers

What we do

The CoP gathers individuals supporting the creation of grant applications – employees of research support offices, international offices, technical staff and administrative activities coordinators. In the group, there is at least one representative from each university. The CoP meets at least twice a year – once in person and once online. During the meetings, members exchange knowledge, know-how in the field of funding research projects, workflows, incentives and activities in the research support offices and plan collaborative actions.

Universities that are part of this CoP

  • University of Granada
  • University of Graz
  • Leipzig University
  • University of Lyon 1
  • Maynooth University
  • University of Minho
  • University of Padua
  • Vilnius University
  • University of Wrocław

Mario Mueller
University of Graz

Artificial Intelligence for the sustainability in higher education

What we do

The CoP was established to collectively harness the potential of AI, ensure ethical standards, and support sustainable development in higher education. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing higher education by automating traditionally human tasks, such as grading papers or designing teaching programs. Despite potential economic benefits and efficiency, concerns arise about the role of teachers in the teaching process. With the evolving technologies of AI, educators must adapt teaching strategies to stimulate better student learning. However, along with AI progress, ethical issues emerge, such as the risk of reinforcing biases in algorithms or introducing inequalities among students. Therefore, the CoP’s purpose is to support sustainable and ethical forms of AI utilization.

Universities that are part of this CoP

  • University of Granada
  • University of Graz
  • Leipzig University
  • University of Lyon 1
  • Maynooth University
  • University of Minho
  • University of Padua
  • Vilnius University
  • University of Wrocław


University of Granada
Lucas J. Ruiz Díaz

ExNUrb: Exchange Network on Urban Studies

What we do

Urban studies is a very diverse field spanning within social sciences (sociology, anthropology, human geography, economics, political science and other subjects) and outside (urban planning, architecture). This interdisciplinary character of urban studies makes it a very relevant teaching subject for future professionals. However, it also creates challenges in producing engaging teaching content related to state of the art in research.

This CoP brings together researchers from different ARQUS members facing the common challenges in contemporary urban studies across various socio-spatial and political-economic contexts. The aim of this CoP is to strengthen this community of professionals, who collaborate in a form of individual teaching exchanges in urban studies. The long term goal of our activities is to have organically integrated teaching modules, which would also include integrated research activities of students from different ARQUS universities.

Through the workshops, seminars and on-line meetings we are creating a platform to discuss and exchange our experiences in urban stiudies.

Universities that are part of this CoP

  • Univeristy of Granada
  • Maynooth University
  • Leipzig University
  • University of Padua
  • Vilnius University
  • University of Wrocław


Tadas Šarūnas
Vilnius University
Researcher at Vilnius University Institute of sociology and social work

Open Science Ambassadors Network

What we do

The Arqus Open Science Ambassadors Network is a joint expert network of Open Science enthusiasts, who are working together in order to promote Open Science as a cross-cutting topic for the research dimension in Arqus, share best practices in their specific scientific disciplines and give advice when needed. Its members are engaged in several Open Science topics and acting as intermediaries between researchers, universities and the alliance.

The aim of the network is to raise awareness on the topic of Open Science and provide guidance and advice, e.g. through conducting open workshops, discussion rounds or developing position papers for Arqus members and at a local level. Thus, act as a point of contact and an expert pool for interested researchers and staff at the alliances’ level.

In addition, the network act as intermediary between researchers and the leaders of the Arqus Alliance on Open Science related topics and advance the strategic implementation within the Arqus Alliance, e.g. by suggesting a joint Open Science policy based on the findings of the Arqus R.I. work packages 3, 5 and 6, who dealt with Open Science, as well as the Arqus Openness Position Paper.

Universities that are part of this CoP

  • University of Granada
  • University of Graz
  • Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
  • Maynooth University
  • University of Minho
  • University of Padua
  • Vilnius University


Pablo García Sánchez
University of Granada


PFMO: Projects Finance Management Offices

What we do

PFMO CoP specially designed for the project finance managers, finance
services department or EU post-award offices, which include project finance
• deep their knowledges of the project finance management and audit,
• share their best practices in the projects finance, to know about the unwritten rules in a grant agreement, which important to implement the project from financial side,
• understand the eligibility cost criteria and related all the necessary requirements to submit a competitive EU fund proposal of the budget.

The workplan of PFMO CoP covers:
• at least 1 meeting per year face to face.
• at least 3 meeting per year online;
• “shadow working”, i.e. working with other representatives of another university partner, observing his work during work.

These meeting includes staff development, learning, teaching, discussions, information sharing channels, and in particular address problems identified by
each part. Each university during the meeting introduces to the most complex project, which it has been coordinated and what used tools, their challenges.
In this way, knowledge in the field of project financial management will be
strengthened at the ARQUS Alliance level.

Universities that are part of this CoP

  • University of Granada
  • University of Graz
  • Leipzig University
  • Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
  • Vilnius University
  • University of Wrocław


Aleita Markevič
Vilnius University

The concept of Communities of Practice, borrowed from learning theory, is that of “systems of collective critical inquiry and reflection focussed on building a shared identity and collective intelligence garnered over time” (Nussbaum-Beach and Hall, 2012); it fits perfectly with Arqus’ self-conception as a “laboratory for institutional learning”, but grounds specific activities in their respective domains, thus weaving the social fabric required to enable collective learning.

Arqus will offer each Community a collaborative space with the three major objectives of community building, bench- and peer-learning, and staff development.

Joint activities, discussions, information sharing channels, identification of problems and proposal of solutions will be some of the activities carried out by these communities.

Domain-based joint staff development is an important tool for the long-term construction of the Alliance, and Communities of Practice are natural seedbeds for peer learning to take place and then be disseminated beyond those participating directly. For that reason, each Community of Practice should count on the design of a staff development programme for the corresponding domain, to be implemented on a continuous basis jointly during the funding period and beyond. Staff development will take the form of joint, flexible online, face-2-face or blended learning activities, which should be fully accessible. Learning acquired will be certified by the Arqus Academy and will be recognized by each partner university.

Contact the Project Officer or responsible person for CoP at your university for more information:

University of Granada

David Martín López

Inmaculada Yuste Martínez 

University of Graz

Kerstin Käfer

Vera Jüttner 

Maria Heinemann

Leipzig University

Ewa Adamkiewicz

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

Alison Bédéjus

Maynooth University


University of Minho

Elsa Costa e Silva

Vanessa Alves

University of Padua

Gabriele Nicoli

Marco Carraro 

Vilnius University

Ungè Gaigalè

Julija Savickè

University of Wroclaw

Agnieszka Janik 

Emilia Wilanowska


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Submit by 16 October 2024

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2nd edition of the Alumni Mentorship Programme: Call for mentors and mentees

By 16th October 2024

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