Arqus welcomes the initiative for a European Strategy for Universities

19 October 2021

The Rectors of the Arqus universities adopted at their last meeting a joint position paper on a European Strategy for Universities, which tackles the four missions of higher education institutions (education, research, innovation, and service to society).

The Arqus Rectors’ Council, which met during the Annual Conference 2021, discussed with representatives of the European Commission the development of a European strategy for universities. The rectors of the Arqus universities welcome the initiative of a Strategy for universities in Europe. Rectors agreed that Arqus will continue to share our experiences both as individual institutions and as an alliance and remain ready to contribute to the further development of the Strategy and its future implementation.

A European Strategy has the potential for setting a direction for higher education in Europe, responding to the developments of a rapidly changing world. While prioritizing focus areas will strengthen the impact of a European strategy, the areas that universities need to address are comprehensive.

The key points of the Arqus’ position are as follows:

Moreover, Arqus considers students’ involvement and participation on all levels to be vital. A strategy for universities in Europe must include student participation and the representation and promotion of all students’ educational, social, economic, and cultural interests.

Download the position paper.


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