Dorothy Kelly, Arqus Coordinator, elected member of the FOREU4ALL Board
28 Jan 2025Yesterday, the FOREU4ALL Community of Practice co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union, held a General Forum meeting that concluded with the election of the brand new Forum Board for the 2025-2026 mandate. Dorothy Kelly, Arqus Coordinator, was elected as one of its members.
These representatives will support FOREU4ALL’s strategic direction and facilitate collaboration among the European University Alliances and with the wider higher education sector in the coming year.
The elected members are as follows:
Chair: Beatrix Busse (EUniWell – European University for Well-Being)
Vice-Chairs: Andreas Winkler (Unite! – University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering) and Emily Helmeid (EUGLOH)
Additionally, a fully-fledged Forum Board were elected, composed of a total of 15 members. They will support the General Forum, which all 65 alliances are a member of:
Andreas Winkler (Unite!)
Dorothy Kelly (Arqus European University Alliance)
Magdalena Sikorska (EUNICE European University)
Beatrix Busse (EUniWell)
Bruna Vives (ERUA-European Reform University Alliance)
Nicole Birkle (FORTHEM Alliance)
Sofia D’Aguiar (EELISA European University )
Alessandra Fiorio Pla (UNITA)
Emily Helmeid (EUGLOH)
Veerle van der Sluys (FilmEU – European University )
Aurelien Krejbich (CIVICA )
Ana Alvarez Gonzalez (INGENIUM University)
Romita Iucu (CIVIS – Europe’s Civic University Alliance)
Maria-Valerie Schek (YUFE Alliance )
Daria Ratsiborinskaya (UNIC (European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition))
Congratulations to all the elected members!
FOREU4ALL is a project co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union that brings together the 65 European Universities alliances into a unified, cohesive structure. The goal is to foster a collaborative and supportive environment where best practices and experiences can be shared not only among the alliances themselves but also with the broader European Higher Education (HE) sector.
06 Mar 2025