Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) Mentoring Programme – Turning Ideas into Businesses

2 - 20 June2025

Type: Arqus Learning Pathways, Linking Local Ecosystems

Format: Workshop

Open to: Academics & researchers, Students, Teachers

The 2nd edition of this Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) starts online on 2 June, with face-to-face sessions taking place from 16 to 20 June at the University of Minho, Guimarães (Portugal).

UMinho invites Arqus academics and students to collaborate in the co-creation and implementation of the initiative “Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) Mentoring Programme – Turning Ideas into Businesses”

A partner is responsible for a group of students enrolled in the BIP (2 to 4) and also may contribute on the course design and/or the classes with materials and/or tutors for both the online and face-to-face activities. Together, the different partners will constitute a network for new BIPs and further joint activities in the context of university innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems.

A BIP is an innovative form of learning, teaching and training which offers an intensive learning experience using both physical and virtual components. It represents an opportunity to co-create curriculum and activities through a collaborative approach among the partner institutions.

This BIP aims to promote the sharing of experiences and good practices in the process of transforming ideas into businesses, namely through the stages: 1) Innovation creativity and value proposition, 2) Client development and market analysis, 3) Business model design, 4) Business evaluation, creation, launching and management.

Check out the programme and further information:

Open PDF

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Information on the BIP

  • The course is offered in a b-learning mode for 7 weeks between 2 June and 14 July 2025.
  • Internal procedures may apply according to each university.
  • Applications take place between 17 and 21 March 2025.
  • The publication of application results will take place by 28 March 2025.
  • Registration takes place between 7 and 11 April 2025.
  • Students from all areas of engineering, science, management and similar areas may apply to enrol in the course.
  • The candidates will be ranked based on the suitability of their Curriculum Vitae for the course.
  • Following the rules of the Erasmus+ Programme and the provisions of the organization of the Blended Intensive Program (BIP), admitted candidates under an Erasmus scholarship are exempt from paying fees. 

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