Apply by 30 April

Arqus Green Mobility Days Award

The Arqus Alliance encourages students, academic and administrative staff of its partner universities to apply to the Arqus Green Mobility Days Award with their sustainability projects and good practices. The deadline for applications is 30 April 2025.

The Arqus Green Mobility Days initiative aims to foster and look for new ways to implement green mobility. Arqus universities carry out activities at local level to raise awareness within their academic communities regarding sustainable ways of managing international mobility, whether it comes to choose a greener mean of transport when travelling abroad or reduce the impact of daily habits while living in the hosting cities.

This joint call represents a pillar of the initiative mentioned above and its main aim is to identify good practices in the field of sustainability that can spark innovative approaches to green mobility within the Alliance. This is the 2nd edition of the Arqus Green Mobility Days Award, which recognizes outstanding commitment to sustainability through innovative green mobility approaches.

The objective of this call is to select the most remarkable project suggested or carried out by a member of an Arqus university (as an individual or on behalf of an organisation) for its capability of:

  • sensitising people towards the impact that personal choices may have on the ecosystem
  • improving the sustainability of a product or service
  • producing a multiplier effect on local communities
  • targeting mobile students or staff
  • being feasible and applicable in different contexts in a reasonable time (maximum 1 year)

Selection criteria

The winning project will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:

  • innovative approach
  • adaptability to different contexts
  • network of partners involved and impact produced on the local community
  • extent of target group(s) and inclusion
  • significance to the Arqus Green Mobility Days main objectives and therefore to international mobility
  • feasibility and reproducibility, in terms of type of actors to involve, financial resources needed and timing for the implementation.

Eligible candidates

This call is open to students, lecturers, administrative staff members, researchers and to any other person with a role related to one of the Arqus partner universities: Granada, Graz, Leipzig, Lyon 1, Maynooth, Minho, Padua, Vilnius and Wrocław.  Candidates can apply on behalf of an association or student organisation.


The deadline for applicants is 30 April 2025. 

Applicants are required to provide the following information (in English):

  • description of the project/initiative, objectives and outcomes
  • documentation about the past implementation of the project (if applicable)
  • presentation of the promoting organisation or profile of the promoter and, if relevant, presentation of the partners involved
  • number of participants involved and impact on the local community
  • resources needed or used for the implementation (preparation, timetable and approximate budget with main items)

The award winning project will be announced by 30 May 2025.


The award consistency is €1000 and it is given to the winner in the form of train passes. 

Selection Committee

The selection committee will be composed of members from the Arqus On the Move team, and a committee of experts in fields relevant to sustainability and/or members of other relevant Arqus working groups. The Selection Committee will appoint one of its members as coordinator before starting the selection process.

Each university will nominate a maximum of one member. An eligibility check of applications will be made by Arqus reference staff in each partner university prior to the selection.

Obligations of the winner

The selected applicant will be required to inform the Selection Committee of the acceptance of the grant. The deadline for the acceptance will be specified in the grant notification.

By accepting the award, the winner accepts to be contacted by Arqus universities for questions on the implementation of the project or any further development. 

Contact information

In case of any questions related to this joint call, please refer to the contact person at your University:

University of GranadaEvangelia Tzeremaki
África Mariñas del Río 
University of GrazFranziska Brunner 
Victoria Reszler 
Leipzig UniversityNinon Böhme  
University of Lyon 1Geraldine Yon  
Maynooth UniversityAimee Crawford   
University of MinhoPaulo Ribeiro 
University of PaduaEnrico Soncin   
Vilnius UniversityVytene Jankauskiene 
University of WrocławUrszula Broda    

For general inquiries and in case of appeal (within 15 days from the publication of the results): 

Information on the processing of personal data

Personal data shall be processed in compliance with the principles and provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) and for the sole purposes of competition procedure. For detailed information: The commission reserves the right to check the truthfulness of the admission and incompatibility requirements. Without prejudice to the criminal sanctions provided for in art. 76 of Italian Presidential Decree DPR no. 445/2000, should checks prove statements to be false, the scholarship recipient shall lose the benefit eligibility.

Call published on 11 Mar 2025

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