The core European values of democracy, the rule of law, respect for diversity and human rights, solidarity and the pursuit of peace and justice in Europe and the world.
The core university values expressed in the Magna Charta Universitatum.
The unique role played by universities as open places of freedom, pluralism and democratic participation, dedicated to the generation and dissemination of knowledge through research, education, innovation and culture for sustainable societal progress.
The shared understanding of higher education as a public good and a public responsability which serves purposes of individual, social, economic and cultural development.
The conviction that through alliances people and institution are stronger in their pursuit of the common good.
Our major goals
Effective barrier-free cooperation at all levels of institutional activity in order to better respond to existing and emerging societal challenges.
Joint evidence-based institutional learning, arising from acting as a common laboratory beyond the mainstream, innovating in pursuit of systemic, structural and sustainable impact.
Engaged communities of learners, academics, professionals and alumni in multi-level habitats working together for sustainable progress.
Co-created attractive flexible challenge-based and research-driven academic offer.
Joint transformational disciplinary and interdisciplinary research and innovation.
Enhanced intercultural competence, global understanding and respect for diversity throughout our communities.
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