Format: Online
Open to: Academics & researchers, Admin. Staff, Early Post-docs, Entrepreneurs, External Stakeholders, General public, HE managers, PhD Students, Students, Teachers
The University of Graz and Leipzig University invite the Arqus community to join the online lecture “How is AI changing linguistics?” which will take place on 3 April from 9 to 10:30 CEST.
This lecture, by expert Christopher Pollin, is part of an Arqus Twinning project between the universities of Graz and Leipzig.
Christopher Pollin will answer the question “Humanities and AI – how do they fit together?” in his lecture on the use of generative AI, prompt engineering and the applicability of LLMs for corpus linguistics. He will discuss why the use of artificial intelligence is fundamentally changing the teaching of language and linguistics.
To participate join the Zoom meeting under this link.