The challenge-based approach undertaken for our flexible learning offer, and generated in our Living Lab communities, involves local stakeholders who form part of our local ecosystems.
Arqus considers universities as key players in local eco-systems, facilitating the creation of linkages between the different actors and very often acting as a driving force for social and economic development.
Arqus is working on linking the nine local ecosystems and establishing synergies across them. During the first three years of the Alliance, we focused on the promotion of entrepreneurship.
We continue our cooperation for Knowledge Commercialization focusing on the upscaling of the Arqus Business Incubation Alliance building on pilot mobilities under Arqus I’s Entrepreneurial University Action, to foster Academic Entrepreneurship and mobility between incubators for members of our communities on the European level.
Online competition for selecting the most innovative and internationalized Arqus start-ups.
The ISLYE Mobility Programme has been designed to offer international mobility opportunities between Arqus cities to student entrepreneurs, by establishing partnerships between the universities’ incubators.
We will also share the competencies and the knowledge of our partner universities with the citizens and the society around via improved and internationalized Service Learning courses and innovative Science Communication formats.