Arqus participates in the BHPS II Final Conference in Athens
08 Oct 2024The event, co-organised by the Greek Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), is taking place at the Royal Olympic Hotel in Athens on 7 and 8 October 2024, bringing together Higher Education leaders from across Europe to discuss the implementation of Bologna tools and enhance collaboration across the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
The aim of the Bologna Hub Peer Support II: Final Conference is to present the results of the project and to promote future cooperation through networking opportunities. In addition to the experts and higher education institutions that participated in the Erasmus+ project “Bologna Hub Peer Support II”, stakeholders from across the entire EHEA are the intended audience for this event.
The Arqus Secretary General, Fernando Galán, will be co-hosting a key workshop entitled “European University Alliances: Enhancing Joint Programmes and Seamless Mobility” alongside Frederik De Decker, Head of the International Relations Office at Ghent University (Belgium) on Tuesday 8th October at 09:10 CEST. The session will explore the challenges and opportunities associated with developing joint academic programmes and facilitating seamless student mobility between institutions within European University Alliances, with a particular focus on the recognition and implementation of the European Degree.
This interactive workshop will provide a platform for participants to share best practices and engage in collaborative problem-solving around issues related to the role of European University Alliances in fostering seamless cross-border student mobility and the development of joint programmes.
“European University Alliances are at the forefront of reshaping higher education in Europe by fostering collaboration and integration among diverse institutions. At Arqus, we believe in the transformative power of joint programmes and seamless mobility, and this workshop is an excellent opportunity to share our experiences and collectively explore solutions to existing barriers,” said Fernando Galán, Secretary General of Arqus.
This workshop is part of the broader efforts of the Bologna Hub Peer Support II project to support the implementation of the Bologna Process and foster cross-border cooperation in higher education. It will gather experts and stakeholders from across the EHEA to share insights, strengthen partnerships, and build future-proof initiatives that advance the goals of the European Education Area.
08 Mar 2025
07 Mar 2025