BIBA Forum Alumni 2022: Call for short stories!
25 Feb 2022The first BIBA Forum 2022 webinar was held on 21st February. Junior and senior students from the Arqus universities discussed online various subtopics related to diversity in sustainable development. Alessio Surian, from the University of Padova; Agne Lauzadyte, from Vilnius University and Nuria Bernades, from the University of Granada, were in charge of presenting the topics of this session. Blanca Delgado-Márquez, from the University of Granada, organized and moderated the session.
The participants in this first session are now invited to participate in the first micro-story contest of the Arqus Alliance. The stories should be on the subject “diversity in sustainable development”. They can be written in English or in the mother tongue with a maximum length of 100 words.
The BIBA (Building Intergenerational Bridges in Arqus) Forum is an initiative organised within Action Line 2.8, Seniors’ Universities: sharing of best practices and short-term mobility, to build more inclusive societies by widening access and new transitions in higher education institutions.
With this aim, the Forum provides free and open 1,5-hour monthly discussions about the pertinent issues and ideas confronting us, in the world today, from an international and intergenerational point of view. These sessions are addressed to both young and senior students.
The BIBA Forum 2022 will consist of 5 interesting online sessions revolving around diversity, interdisciplinarity and societal challenges. Each session will be devoted to a specific subtopic, such as (but not restricted to) diversity in sustainable development, diversity in cultural heritage, diversity in digital transition, among others.
Send your work here until 21st March.
A real challenge! Do you dare to participate?