Arqus on the Move focuses on mobility and the development of horizontal measures to enable Arqus Alliance bodies – Communities of Practice, Living Labs, Student Agora, Learning Pathways, Teaching Innovation, and PhD Pursuit – to achieve their objectives.
The main goal of Arqus on the Move is to cultivate a sustainable mobility culture within the Arqus Alliance by:
Providing seamless mobility opportunities for all Arqus Alliance community members through an Open Mobility Agreement.
Enhancing and promoting mobility, providing the necessary tools, instruments, and funding for its implementation (such as the Toolkit for International Relations Offices,Toolkit for mobility beneficiaries, One-stop shop, etc.)
Developing and testing innovative forms of mobility (twinnings, threennings, criss-cross mobility).
Observing mobility within the Arqus Alliance through mobility data collection and analysis, and offering recommendations to facilitate strategic decision-making within the network (the Mobility Observatory).
Expanding Arqus Alliance presence in Europe and globally by extending its reach beyond the partnership (Erasmus+ KA171).
Supporting mobility beneficiaries, both students and staff, on the management of their stay abroad, facilitating access to important information about their destinations, emphasizing the importance of getting the most out of their experiences and valuing their achievements.
Providing training and networking opportunities before mobility.
Sensitizing students and local communities towards the adoption of less impactful choices regarding transport and life habits.
Expanding the visibility and boosting the dissemination of information about different mobility programs.