28 January 2025

Dorothy Kelly, Arqus Coordinator, elected member of the FOREU4ALL Board

Yesterday, the FOREU4ALL Community of Practice co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union, held a General Forum meeting that concluded with the election of the brand new Forum Board for the 2025-2026 mandate. Dorothy Kelly, Arqus Coordinator, was elected as one of its members. These representatives will support FOREU4ALL's strategic direction and facilitate collaboration among the European University Alliances and with ...

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27 January 2025

Teaching Innovation Workshop – Hacking innovative pedagogies: “Rewild” your digital teaching

Join us for an exciting workshop where the results and products of the UniGraz research project, "Hacking Innovative Pedagogy - Digital Education Rewilded" will be shared. This workshop will introduce a framework for digital pedagogy and showcase innovative teaching designs and activities that have been developed and transformed into a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). We invite educators, researchers, and practitioners ...

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Dorothy Kelly, Arqus Coordinator, elected President of the Spanish Universities in European Universities Group (UEUE)

The Spanish Universities in European Universities Group (UEUE), a new interuniversity network bringing together Spanish institutions that are part of or coordinate European alliances, held its Assembly on Thursday 23 January. At this Assembly, the Group elected its first Executive Committee, which will represent it and promote its work. In this context, Dorothy Kelly, full professor at the UGR and Coordinator of the Arqus ...

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24 January 2025

Publication of the study on the outcomes and transformational potential of the European Universities initiative

The European Commission has just published the report “Outcomes and Transformational Potential of the European Universities Initiative” which sets the progress and achievements of the initiative since its inception in 2019.  This report draws on the extensive work of PPMI, a European research and policy analysis centre, and it is the product of extensive consultations and a rich body of data, including those ...

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Arqus student Diana Radoi represents the Alliance at a press corner with Roxana Mînzatu, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission

Today, Diana Radoi, a student of the Arqus Joint Master's Programme in European Studies, will be one of the three students selected from the 65 funded Alliances to meet Roxana Mînzatu, Executive Vice-President of the European Commissio at the Berlaymont building in Brussels around 10 am CET. During the press moment, the Executive Vice-President will inform on the added value of the European Universities ...

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