The Arqus European University Alliance firmly believes in the need to foster student-centred and research-based learning through joint and flexible curricula. This implies the development of joint interdisciplinary programs with open entry points for other partners to join at any time.
To open up an opportunity to establish new perspective of joint programmes evaluation and accreditation the Arqus Alliance organizes a series of events for administrative and academic staff members, representatives of ministries and accreditation agencies. Having a joint discussion could lead to a great change!
Webinar 1: European Approach: theory meets practice. Implementation in Arqus Alliance.
Date: 19th of March 2021
Time: 10:00 CET
Platform: Ms Teams
The very first introductory seminar is planned for European Approach model presentation, case study of this model implementation in EMJMD programme “European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations and discussion about implementation possibilities between Arqus Alliance countries.
Keynote speakers:
- Dr. Achim Hopbach (Higher Education Consultant), Austria.
- Dr. Lydia Potts (Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Master Course EMMIR), Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany.
Target groups:
- Academic staff members working in Arqus Action Line 3.5 Innovating in joint programme development.
- Coordinators (working in Arqus Action Line 3.5 Innovating in joint programme development.
- Administrative staff members of Arqus Alliance.
Webinar 2: Key challenges of joint programmes evaluation and accreditation procedures
Date: 15th of April, 2021
Time: 9:00 CET
Platform: Zoom
This event-seminar is 2 nd out of three events planned together with partners to discuss joint programmes evaluation and accreditation procedures applied in partner countries and find main obstacles arising during their evaluation and accreditation processes.
Keynote speakers:
- ENQA/ EQAR Representative
Target groups:
- National accreditation agencies
- Academic staff members working in Arqus Action Line 3.5 Innovating in joint programme development.
- Coordinatorsworking in Arqus Action Line 3.5 Innovating in joint programme development.
- Administrative staff members of Arqus Alliance.
Webinar 3: Balance between single evaluation and accreditation procedure and quality of newly developed joint programmes
Date: 7th of May, 2021
Time: 10:00 CET
Platform: Zoom
The final event-seminar aims to present main obstacles related to legislative joint programmes evaluation and accreditation situation. Also, during this final event stakeholders should lead a discussion looking for best options to ensure balance between single evaluation and accreditation procedure and quality of newly developed joint programmes.
Target groups:
- Representatives of ENQA
- Representatives of European Comission
- National ministries of Higher Education
- National accreditation agencies
- Academic staff members working in Arqus Action Line 3.5 Innovating in joint programme development
- Coordinators working in Arqus Action Line 3.5 Innovating in joint programme development
- Administrative staff membersof Arqus Alliance