The Colloquium on Romance Linguistics of the AIFRS group starts its second edition next week
12 Nov 2021|
12 Nov 2021The Arqus International Forum on Romance Studies (AIFRS) organizes the second edition of the Colloquium on Romance Linguistics.
The Colloquium on Romance Linguistics is a series of online presentations held by linguists from the Arqus universities. It is a place of scientific exchange on the current trends in Romance linguistics, which enables scholars to present their research to colleagues within the Arqus Alliance and beyond, and makes this research known in a wider international context. Furthermore, the Colloquium facilitates the academic discussion with international colleagues, supplying scholars with new scientific input and creating the basis for future cooperation.
During the winter term 2021/22 (November, December, January, February), the second edition of the colloquium is again hosted by the University of Graz. It will usually take place on Thursday (18:00 – 19:30 CET). The sessions will last approximately 1,5 hours (1 hour of presentation + half an hour of discussion) and are open to every interested scholar.
Programme (CET time):
-18th November (18:00-19:30): “La investigación macrosintáctica del adjetivo: problemas, avances y retos”. José García Pérez. Universidad de Sevilla and Universität Graz.
–25th November (18:00-19:30): “Humanness, pronoun types, and orphan prepositions in French”. Steffen Heidinger. Universität Graz.
16th December (18:00-19:30): “Domain adverbs and relational adjectives”. Klaus Grübl. Universität Leipzig.
–13th January (18:00-19:30): “El proyecto Epigrama (Español para italianos. Gramáticas antiguas). Consideraciones sobre la codificación en las primeras gramáticas del español para italianos (1560-1566)”. Carmen Castillo Peña. Università degli Studi di Padova (in Italian and Spanish).
–27th January (18:00-19:30): “Panépica: Glosario del Poema de mio Cid y de la primitiva épica hispánica”. Javier Rodríguez Molina. Universidad de Granada.
–10th February (18:00-19:30): “Verb formatives in Romance-Slavic contact: Molise-Slavic vis-à-vis Istriot”. Stefano Quaglia. Universität Graz.
To participate (access to the videoconferences), click here.
The third edition (summer term 2022) will be hosted by Leipzig University (Klaus Grübl).
You can access the programme of the first edition (summer term 2021) here.