Arqus on the Move launches the first edition of the Green Mobility Days
04 Apr 2024The Alliance launches the first edition of the Arqus Green Mobility Days, a series of local events organised by Arqus partner universities to raise awareness within their communities about sustainable practices in international mobility.
22nd April is internationally recognised as Earth Day, and April was labelled after this recurrence as Earth Month. In nearly 200 countries, a wide range of events occur in this period to raise awareness and create consciousness around the issues affecting the ecosystem. This is why April 2024 has been chosen by the Arqus on the Move team for the first edition of the Green Mobility Days.
Arqus Green Mobility Days is an initiative consisting of different local activities carried out by Arqus partner universities with the common objective of raising awareness within their communities about sustainable ways of approaching international mobility, whether it comes to choosing a means of transport with a lower carbon footprint as well as reducing the environmental impact of our daily habits while abroad.
Green Mobility Days are meant to be an annual appointment for mobile students and academics and in general for the Arqus community who wish to learn new strategies to tackle climate change. We invite you to get in touch with your local contact person for further details regarding the activities taking place in your city:
Information about the local events and activities organised by partners universities will be updated.
06 Mar 2025