Arqus opens 2 calls for research stays at Lyon and Saint-Étienne

University of Lyon 1


22 Mar 2022

The Arqus Alliance, in collaboration with the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) in France, opens 2 calls to facilitate the hosting in Lyon – Saint-Étienne of researchers from one of the Arqus partner universities for short-to-medium term research stays. The involvement of researchers from at least two Arqus partners is imperative, as the collaborative aspect is a key feature of the scheme.

The aims of this call are to support existing research collaborations or to help build new ones. The applications must be submitted by researchers from Lyon/Saint-Étienne, meaning that researchers likely to be interested must get in touch with colleagues there.

  • Call for Incoming Mobility for Short Research Stays

This scheme supports short research stays of a minimum of two weeks and a maximum of three months.

Researchers, postdocs and doctoral candidates from all fields of research are eligible, as long as they are attached to a laboratory hosted by one of the Arqus partner universities.

Locally, the research stay must be planned with collaborators hosted in a laboratory/research unit under the main supervision of the Université Lyon 1, Université Lyon 3 or Université de Saint-Étienne.

For more information download the call for applications and the application form.

  • Call for Incoming Mobility of Master students and PhD candidates

This call is for research internships of a minimum of three months and a maximum of six months.

Master students from all fields of research are eligible, as long as they are registered at one of the Arqus partner universities. Doctoral candidates from all fields of research are eligible, as long as they are attached to a laboratory hosted by one of the Arqus partner universities.

Locally, the internship must be carried out with supervisors hosted in a laboratory/research unit under the main supervision of the Université Lyon 1 or Université Lyon 3 or Université de Saint-Étienne.

For more information download the call for applications and the application form.


The flat-rate funding of €1,000/month for the research stay (prorated where necessary) is intended to contribute to the research costs and will be paid to the host laboratory in Lyon/Saint-Étienne.

The call is open until 15th April 2022.

Applications will be received and processed on a rolling basis. Rapid response will be given.

Research stays must be carried out until 30th September 2022.

If you are interested in participating, fill in the corresponding application form and send it to and


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