Unlocking new horizons: Highlights from the 2024 Arqus PhD Week at the University of Wrocław



18 Jun 2024

From 10th to 14th June 2024, the University of Wrocław hosted the Arqus PhD Week for Careers Outside Academia. This 5-day event aimed to support PhD and postdoctoral researchers in exploring career paths beyond university research. It welcomed young scientists from across several Arqus universities, including participants from Granada, Vilnius, Padua, Graz and Lyon.

The University of Wrocław’s Academic Career Office organized the event, featuring workshops led by successful professionals both within and outside academia. Highlights included:

  • The lecture “The future of jobs – Key competencies on the labor market” by Dr. Magdalena Ślazyk-Sobol from the Institute of Psychology, University of Wrocław.
  • The discussion panel “My successful transition from academia to the labor market” featuring Anna Szczepankiewicz, Dr. Mateusz Bartoszewicz and Prof. Piotr Sula.
  • The workshop “The power of LinkedIn social media” led by Józef Orzeszyna, Talent Acquisition Leader for 3M GSC EMEA.

Featured speakers and discussion panelists

During the Arqus PhD Week, we were privileged to host a distinguished lineup of featured speakers. These experts brought a wealth of knowledge and experience from various fields, providing invaluable insights into career development beyond the academic sphere.

Dr. Magdalena Ślazyk-Sobol

Dr. Ślazyk-Sobol, an assistant professor at the Department of Psychology in Management, gave an insightful lecture on key competencies for the future job market. She is the head of postgraduate studies in Management Psychology at the University of Wrocław and the head of the HR Studio at the Institute of Psychology. As psychologist, HR consultant and coach, she has extensive experience in organizational psychology, recruitment and employee development. She studied at the University of Heidelberg and has worked as a recruitment specialist, lecturer and consultant across various industries.

Anna Szczepankiewicz

Anna is a PhD student in the Department of Animal Development Biology at the University of Wrocław, focusing on oogenesis in Heteroptera. She also works as a clinical research coordinator at the DOBROSTAN medical clinic, collaborating with pharmaceutical companies and laboratories, and applying her academic skills in a practical setting.

Dr. Mateusz Bartoszewicz

A doctor of political science and public administration, Dr. Bartoszewicz specializes in social influence and political propaganda. He is a Senior Internal Business Advisor at EY Global Services Poland and a social sciences lecturer. He has held various leadership roles within the Doctoral Students’ Self-Government.

Prof. Piotr Sula

Prof. Sula is an associate professor at the University of Wrocław, specializing in comparative politics, political parties and competition. He is the head of the Center for Quantitative Research and deputy director of the Institute of Political Science.

Józef Orzeszyna

Mr. Orzeszyna led a workshop on the strategic use of LinkedIn for career advancement. With over 15 years of experience in HR and talent acquisition, he has successfully connected thousands of candidates with employers globally.

Globally, the Arqus PhD Week 2024 had a significant impact on its participants, offering PhD and postdoctoral researchers invaluable insights and practical skills for pursuing careers beyond academia. Through the series of expert-led talks and interactive workshops described above, attendees were able to identify their transferable skills, gain a deeper understanding of application and hiring processes, and explore company cultures outside the university setting. The programme also facilitated personal skills development, enhanced CV and interview techniques, and provided strategies for leveraging online platforms in job searches. Participants also benefited from networking opportunities, connecting with fellow early-stage researchers and career development professionals from diverse international backgrounds. This enriching experience empowered them to confidently transition from academic environments to various professional sectors.

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