Arqus R.I. Final Conference: Advancing research collaboration and shaping the future of the R&I dimension



20 Dec 2023

The Arqus Research and Innovation Project is coming to an end and held its Final Conference in Brussels on 4th December. 

More than 40 participants, of which a significant number of Vice-Rectors in charge of research or societal engagement at Arqus universities, as well as representatives of the Community of Practice of Research Support Officers and a member of the International Advisory Board, witnessed the presentation of main results and discussed the proposals made by leaders of Arqus R.I. for the future of the R&I dimension in the Alliance. The European Commission was represented by Roberta Monachello, the Arqus R.I. Project Officer at the Research Executive Agency.

A dozen new research project applications are the direct result of Arqus R.I. activities, according to a survey of researchers who had participated in the Large Workshops and Bridging Workshops organised by Arqus R.I. and/or which received seed funding for travelling to meet their counterparts at other Arqus universities. The applications were submitted to calls of the Horizon Programme such as WIDERA, Health (Stayhealthy), Pathfinder Challenges, MSCA Doctoral Networks, but also to some others such as Green ERA Hub and Interreg. Most applications are still waiting for a reply from the European evaluators.

Additionally, more than 30 researchers reported they were planning to submit joint applications in the future. Other effective collaborations resulting from the Arqus networking activities were joint publications, teaching exchanges and PhD exchanges, all of which can lead to the development of joint research projects in the future. 

The Arqus R.I. team made some specific proposals to continue promoting networking of researchers within the Alliance in the future, as well as ways to continue supporting the mainstreaming of Open Science. These proposals were discussed and initial positions defined, but further work is necessary so that governance of Arqus universities can take decisions on supporting them. 

Dedicated website sections are being created and will be launched in the early months of 2024 to give visibility and impact to all the resources created by the Arqus R.I. team in the areas of Open Science, Stakeholder Engagement, Research Assessment Reform and Co-Creation in Transfer. They will be announced via the Arqus R&I Updates newsletter once they are operational. 

The Final Conference ended with a positive note on the achievement of the main aims of the Arqus R.I. Project, which include developing mutual knowledge and trust between Arqus universities, creating resources for researchers and intensifying research cooperation within the Alliance.



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