Lyon 1 starts the Staff Training Week on challenges and opportunities for European University Alliances
13 Jun 2023|
13 Jun 2023From 13th to 15th of June, Lyon 1 is welcoming mobility officers from Arqus universities and other alliances as part of its staff week on the challenges and opportunities posed by European University Alliances.
Université de Lyon 1 will be hosting for three days mobility officers from Arqus universities as well as from YUFE and CIVIS, to exchange on the different mobility programs and the challenges they can involve.
The Erasmus+ Charter 21-28 addresses new types of mobility (blended, short-term mobility), with a stronger focus on inclusion, equal opportunities, and green mobility.
One of the main objectives of the European University Alliances initiative is to have 50% of the students enrolled in the partner universities benefiting from a mobility experience. This raises the issue of innovative, blended, virtual mobility. Some of the actions can be financed through Erasmus, and this is also the message the Commission transmits.
The purpose of this Staff Training Week is to exchange, share experiences and identify suitable solutions for problems faced by all alliances. The event focuses on Arqus partner universities and emerged from the reflection and discussions had in WP09 – Arqus on the Move. Erasmus+ financing for mobilities is essential in the implementation of our actions. The challenge is to find synergies between Erasmus+ criteria, mobility needs emerging from our academic communities and actions foreseen in the framework of European University Alliances.
European University Alliances are expected to have a transformative role not only at the local, regional or national level, but also at the European level. It is thus important to work together, between alliances, in order to have a single voice carrying this strong message at the level of National Agencies and the European Commission.
During the Staff Training Week, the participants will have the chance of hearing also from different speakers:
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