Arqus Teaching Innovation workshop for academic staff: Practice-Based Learning: Vilnius University Business School Experience
04 Feb 2025|
04 Feb 2025This workshop provides an opportunity for academic and administrative staff to engage in an insightful session “Practice-Based Learning: Vilnius University Business School Experience” where Assistant Professor Dr Nerijus Černiauskas from the Vilnius University Business School will share his experience. The session will focus on the practical aspects of the course, where students work on solving real-world business challenges.
Dr Černiauskas will present the course structure, required deliverables, and student, business, and lecturer experiences. The discussion will conclude with insights on how to further improve the course and a Q&A session. This event is ideal for educators, and academic and professional staff considering the implementation of practice-based learning courses.
The information provided should help decide whether to offer such project-based learning courses and what to keep in mind while providing them.
Event Details: