26 February 2025

Webinar #04 on EMI: Advancing English-medium instruction research: quantitative methods and insights

The webinar, delivered by Dr Samantha Curle, Reader at the University of Bath, will take place online on Thursday 6 March 2025, from 12:00 to 13:00 (CET). This seminar will introduce key concepts and approaches from her recently published book Researching English Medium Instruction: Quantitative Methods for Students and Researchers. This is the fourth event in English-Medium Instruction (EMI) seminar series for 2024–25 ...

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Arqus at high-level meeting “Shaping the future: European Universities alliances for a competitive Europe” in Brussels

On 26 and 27 February 2025, the European Commission organizes this high-level meeting in Brussels, with the presence of Executive Vice-President Roxana Mînzatu. The Arqus Alliance is represented by Dorothy Kelly, Arqus coordinator, Fernando M. Galán, Arqus Secretary General,  Eeva Leinonen, President of Maynooth University, Rui Vieira de Castro, Rector of the University of Minho, and Diana Radoi, student of the Arqus Joint Master’s ...

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25 February 2025

FOREU4ALL Forum Board meeting in Brussels

European University alliances have joined forces in the FOREU4ALL Community of Practice to foster collaboration and share best practices. The FOREU4ALL Forum Board was recently elected with 15 members, among them Dorothy Kelly, the Coordinator of Arqus. The next FOREU4ALL Forum Board meeting will be held face-to-face in Brussels, coinciding with the European Commission's high-level meeting regarding the European Universities Initiative on 26 and ...

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Arqus Coordinator participates as keynote speaker at UNITA Alliance event

Dorothy Kelly, Arqus Coordinator, is taking part in UNITA Week 2025, the most important annual event held by the UNITA European University Alliance. The Public University of Navarra (UPNA) in Pamplona, northern Spain, is hosting this event between 25 and 28 February. More than 150 people, representing the ten UNITA partner universities and its two associate universities, are meeting for three intense days of ...

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24 February 2025

Preparatory meeting for the development of a new Arqus Joint Master’s Programme in Translation, Technologies and Artificial Intelligence

On 20 and 21 February, the University of Granada held a working meeting regarding the future implementation of an Arqus Joint Master's Programme in Translation, Technologies and Artificial Intelligence. Around 20 members of academic and technical staff from the Universities of Graz (Austria), coordinator of the initiative, Vilnius (Lithuania), Minho (Portugal) and Granada (Spain) attended the meeting. This is the second face-to-face meeting of ...

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