And the selected short story of the BIBA Forum Alumni 2022 on knowledge diversity is…
08 Jul 2022|
08 Jul 2022The short story of Jesús Carrillo Camacho, a senior student at the University of Granada, has been the narrative selected in the micro-story contest of the BIBA Forum Alumni 2022 on knowledge diversity.
The students that participated in the BIBA Forum’s session on knowledge diversity were invited to submit their short stories on this topic in English or in their mother tongue with a maximum length of 100 words.
Now, the selected story is published on the Arqus website as a formal recognition of his work. Enjoy it!
Spanish Language:
Introito: Seres de idéntica naturaleza consustancial…
El conocimiento es: epistemológico, sempiterno, constatable, interdisciplinar, de todos, libre de prejuicios y marginaciones.
No es alocución, es crítica integradora del entendimiento: aceptación del saber del otro sin postulados, con análisis objetivos.
¿Son coincidentes: objetivos generales con necesidades requeridas…?
¿Su utilidad pasaría por: reconocimiento identificativo a pertenencias multiculturales, con transferencia a los desheredados superados los correspondientes ratios amortizables?
¿Si se acoplan el conocimiento ancestral y experimental? ¿Quién debe y qué debe?
¿Qué elementos lo representan: bienes, personas, naturaleza…?
Si la diversidad es global: ¿sus referencias son cualidades colectivas, aunque las percepciones interactivas sean individuales?
English Language:
Introduction: Human beings of identical consubstantial nature….
Knowledge is: epistemological, everlasting, verifiable, interdisciplinary, of all, free of prejudice and marginalisation.
It is not allocution. It is integrative criticism of understanding: acceptance of the knowledge of the other without postulates, with objective analysis.
Do general objectives coincide with the needs required? Would its usefulness pass through: identifying recognition to multicultural belongings, with transfer to the disinherited, once the corresponding amortisable ratios have been exceeded?
If ancestral and experimental knowledge is coupled, who should and what should?
What elements represent it: goods, people, nature?
If diversity is global: are its references collective qualities, even if the interactive perceptions are individual?
The BIBA Forum (and the Call for Short Stories that is organised for each session) is an initiative developed in the framework of Action Line 2, Widening Access, Inclusion and Diversity, chaired by the University of Padua.