Arqus Network of Language Centre Directors Meets in Wrocław



23 May 2024

The Arqus Network of Language Centre Directors met at the University of Wrocław from 7th to 10th May 2024 for a seminar titled “Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Implications for Multilingual Europe“. The meeting was opened by the hosts: Language Centre Director Dr Agnieska Zakrzewska and Assistant Professor Tomasz Wysłobocki as well as the University of Wrocław Arqus Officer Emilia Wilanowska. The participants included Language Centre Directors and representatives from Leipzig University and the Universities of Lyon 1, Maynooth, Minho, Vilnius and Wrocław.

The meeting began with a general discussion on the current status of the Language Centres and how both Language Centres and universities in the Arqus Alliance have been dealing with AI. Many of the Directors reported their concern about student plagiarism and the discussion turned to ways to deal with this problem. Some universities have a renewed focus on in-class work and group projects in the classroom whereas others have introduced tools and systems to verify whether student work is original, and still others have turned to written examinations in class or a combination of written papers and oral examinations.

In addition, some universities give verbal warnings and conduct verification interviews when there is suspicion of plagiarism. There was a general consensus that we often overestimate the digital skills our students have and that we need to focus on helping them to learn how to use AI tools responsibly.

On the second day, Piotr Malak led a session on AI in which he provided background information and an overview of some useful AI tools. It was also decided that the Arqus Plurilingual and Intercultural Hub would set up a Community of Practice for the topic of AI and Language Learning and Teaching.

The participants in Wrocław also focused on the activities and deliverables of this Hub. The group discussed the progress made on and steps that still need to be taken for its pre-mobility toolkit as well as the Framework for Plurilingual and Intercultural Development, and the handbook on recognition of plurilingual and intercultural competence. The meeting wrapped up with a review of the decisions made and steps going forward.

The group also had the opportunity to take a guided tour of the University’s Aula Leopoldina, Oratorium Marianum and Mathematical Tower. All were very impressive and the group got to enjoy a great view of the city from the tower. It was a pleasure to be in Wrocław – a city of rivers, bridges and colours reminiscent of the Mediterranean.

News prepared by Alba Delgado and Kerstin Gackle, Members of the Coordination Team of the Arqus Plurilingual and Intercultural Hub at Leipzig University.



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