Arqus student ambassadors participate in the Open Day event at the University of Padua

University of Padua


11 Jun 2024

The Open Day event at the University of Padua (UNIPD), held on 24th May 2024, saw enthusiastic participation from three local UNIPD Arqus student ambassadors and one student ambassador from Wroclaw, who is currently in an Arqus mobility programme at UNIPD. These ambassadors guided prospective Master’s students through the Arqus opportunities, sharing their experiences and insights.

The Open Day event at UNIPD is designed to provide future students with comprehensive information about the university’s Master programmes. Held in a centralized location, these events offer a unique opportunity for prospective students to learn more about UNIPD’s diverse range of Master programmes, connect with current students, and gain valuable insights into academic and extracurricular opportunities.

The three local Arqus UNIPD student ambassadors, along with the student ambassador from Wroclaw, currently in an Arqus mobility programme at UNIPD, played a crucial role in this event. They shared their academic experiences and provided detailed information about Arqus programmes and resources. Their presence added a personal touch to the event, making it a more engaging and informative experience for the attendees.

This Open Day underscored the importance of peer support in the academic journey and highlighted the Arqus commitment to providing a welcoming and informative environment for future students.

News prepared by Irina Samson, Co-Lead of the Arqus Student Agora at the University of Padua.


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