EDLab organises its second webinar, focused on the current national scenarios and challenges in the accreditation of joint programmes



24 May 2023

The EDLab project organises its second webinar, where national authorities from France, Italy, Portugal and Spain will participate to discuss the topic “Accreditation of joint programmes: current practices and future perspectives”. It will take place next 26th May from 10:00 to 11:30 am CEST.

The EDLab project “European policy experimentation in higher education: piloting a joint European degree label” was granted last January by the European Commission to test the implementation of European and international Joint Degree Programmes and the European Degree Label with special emphasis on France, Italy, Portugal and Spain.

The main purpose of the 2nd EDLab webinar is to discuss current practices (including key challenges), as well as future perspectives for joint programmes evaluation and accreditation, together with quality assurance and accreditation agencies and Ministries of Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Flemish HE systems.

Representatives of the French, Italy, Portuguese and Spanish national authorities (ministries as well as quality assurance and accreditation agencies) will present the current contexts of evaluation/accreditation of joint programmes in their respective countries, focusing on procedures, main challenges, future perspectives and any foreseen changes to their national legislations.

The webinar will focus on the following topics:

  • Current situation in the 4 target countries.
  • Presentation of the European Approach.
  • Focus on existing barriers to the implementation of the Label.

Register here. A detailed programme will be published soon on the EDLab website. After each webinar slideshows and other materials will be available for download on their website.

The recording of the 1st dissemination webinar held on 10th May is now available on the EDLab YouTube channel and here you can find the presentation.

Additional information about the EDLab project:

In early 2023, the European Commission selected 6 projects to pilot a Joint European Degree Label based on a set of common criteria. The initiative was announced in the European Strategy for Universities and the Council Recommendation on building bridges for effective European higher education cooperation, adopted on 5 April 2022.

The EDLab project is one of the selected actions. It is coordinated by the University of Granada, and brings together 13 universities from Spain, Portugal, Italy, France and Belgium representing Arqus and three other European University Alliances (ENLIGHT, EUTOPIA and SEA-EU).

The EDLab network of 13 universities and 35 associated partners, including European University Alliances, ministries, and quality assurance agencies, as well as other organisations, are joining forces to further the implementation of European and international Joint Programmes and the European Degree Label.



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