The International Relations Officers of the Arqus universities meet for the renovation of the Arqus Open Mobility Agreement
25 Mar 2022|
25 Mar 2022Next 28th and 29th March, the Arqus Alliance organises the follow-up meeting “Arqus Open Mobility Agreement (OMA): Renovation and Institutionalisation” at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura of the University of Granada.
The representatives of the International Relations Offices of all Arqus members will participate in this meeting aimed at assessing the implementation of the OMA at each of the universities and preparing the text of the new OMA to be signed during the 2022 Annual Conference in Padua.
During the meeting, some challenges regarding the implementation of an open mobility system in specific areas as well as its integration into the new Erasmus Without Paper (EWP) initiative will be addressed.