New session of the BIBA Forum on knowledge diversity!
25 May 2022The BIBA (Building Intergenerational Bridges in Arqus) Forum is an initiative organised within Action Line 2.8, Seniors’ Universities: sharing of best practices and short-term mobility, to build more inclusive societies by widening access and new transitions in higher education institutions.
With this aim, the Forum provides free and open 1,5-hour monthly discussions about the pertinent issues and ideas confronting us, in the world today, from an international and intergenerational point of view. These sessions are addressed to both young and senior students.
The fourth session of this new edition is scheduled for 31st May, from 12:30 to 14:00 CEST, and it will be about knowledge diversity.
The speakers, Helene Nilsen from the University of Bergen and Harald Steltzer from the University of Graz will provide the basis for the debate in which five senior and five junior students from each university will participate. The session will be moderated by Blanca Delgado-Márquez from the University of Granada.
Registration is open until 30th May. Register here!
This event is related to the Senior Arqus School that will be held from 19th to 21st September in Granada. All participants of the BIBA Forum on May 31st will have priority to attend.
As in every BIBA Forum, there will be an open Call for Short Stories in which all participants will be able to write a story related to the previous debate. The best will be published on the website.