Arqus participates in a roundtable discussion on equal opportunities organised by Vilnius University
07 Dec 2022|
07 Dec 2022Tomorrow, 8th December, Arqus will be participating in the Roundtable discussion “Equal opportunities in higher education: from vision to practice” organised by the Equal Opportunities Team of Vilnius University on the occasion of Human Right Day.
Many Lithuanian higher education institutions have developed equal opportunities and diversity strategy documents, implemented gender equality plans, organised disability-specific adaptations of studies, promoted the inclusion of foreign students, introduced a general prohibition of discrimination, and recruited equal opportunities officers. Are these measures enough? What are the good practices? What intensive actions would be needed? How do we ensure the sustainability of these activities?
The thematic meeting that will last from 09:00 to 11:00 CET (100:00 to 13:00 EET) will focus on the sustainability of equal opportunities and diversity practices, good practices and positive developments in Lithuanian higher education institutions. Representatives of all Lithuanian higher education institutions working or interested in this topic have been invited to join the discussion. In addition, members of Lithuanian and foreign universities will share their experiences during the debate.
Chiara Enderle and Stefanie Kölling, members of the Arqus Inclusion & Diversity Hub from Leipzig University, will represent the Alliance in the event with the talk “Arqus European University Alliance and the experience of Leipzig University in ensuring equal opportunities for all” at 09:40 CET. They will present the Hub and explain how it contributes to inclusion, diversity culture, equal access and participation in the context of European higher education. Then, the current projects and actions taken at Leipzig University to support refugees will be described.
The event will count on the participation of Andrius Zalitis, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of Lithuania, and it will take place in person in Vilnius. Online participation is possible by connecting to this link. No prior registration is required.
08 Mar 2025
07 Mar 2025