The University of Graz offers a scholarship to Arqus students for the Graz International Summer School Seggau 2020
12 Feb 2020|
12 Feb 2020The University of Graz organises the Graz International Summer School Seggau 2020. Focusing on the emphasis areas of Southeastern Europe and North, Central and South America, the 15th edition of the summer school is titled Stability, Security, and Happiness: State – Society – Religion. The summer school will take place from July 5 to July 18, 2020 at Seggau Castle in Styria, Austria.
Emphasizing the aspects of change in state, society and religion, interdisciplinary morning lectures will provide the context for six specialized seminar modules in the afternoon. The Graz International Summer School Seggau is designed for internationally oriented, highly motivated students from all disciplines and all levels, who wish to deepen their understanding of current European and international affairs by studying and discussing global developments and challenges in terms of reflecting aspects of individual, social, political, religious, cultural, literary, regional, economic, cohort and national identities. Detailed information about the lectures and the seminar modules can be found in the attachment.
The University of Graz offers a scholarship worth € 1,000 for one participant from each Arqus Alliance member university. You will get further information from the Arqus officer at your university
Good luck!