The University of Granada organises a workshop on the European University Alliances at the XVIII CRUE Conference
11 May 2022|
11 May 2022From 11th to 13th May, the University of Granada is hosting the XVIII CRUE Conference – Internationalization and Cooperation. The Conference opens today with the Forum on Innovation in Internationalization (16:00 to 20:00 CEST) that includes a specific session on the European University Alliances moderated by the Arqus Alliance and with the participation of Arqus, UNITA, Una Europa, CHARM and YUFE . The Forum takes place on-site and is developed in the Spanish language.
The CRUE (Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas – Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities) is a non-profit association made up of a total of 76 Spanish universities (50 public and 26 private) and established in 1994. The opening Forum on Innovation in Internationalization that takes place today at the Engineering School of the University of Granada is structured in 4 sessions on cooperation, mobility, curriculum internationalization and European Universities.
The specific session on European University Alliances is scheduled from 16:00 to 17:40 CEST and it will be moderated by Fernando Galán, Consortium Manager of the Arqus Alliance. The session will count on the participation of representatives of Arqus, UNITE, Una Europa, CHARM-EU and YUFE. The specific programme of this session includes the following presentations:
Professors Salvador Morales and Blanca Delgado from the University of Granada will present the experience of the Arqus Collaborative Programme and Granada Arqus School 2022, with a special focus on the innovative teaching and learning methods that have been applied by the participants in these activities, such as the challenge-based learning model.
Tomorrow, 12th May, the CRUE Conference will host the Plenary conference “35 years of Erasmus: “European Strategy for Universities & Erasmus+” with the participation of Vanessa Debiais-Sainton, Head of Unit B1 Higher Education.
More information (in Spanish) here.
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