The University of Granada launches a MOOC on Climate Change based on the resources developed for the Arqus Collaboratory Programme 2021
27 Apr 2023|
27 Apr 2023The University of Granada (UGR) has just launched the Massive Open Online Course “Cambio Climático: una aproximación a sus causas y efectos” (“Climate Change: an approach to its causes and effects”). For now, the MOOC is only offered in the Spanish language. Registration is free and it will be open until 15th May, the start day of the course.
The MOOC is coordinated by Professors Salvador Morales Ruano (Department of Mineralogy and Petrology) and María Gracia Bagur González (Department of Analytical Chemistry) from the University of Granada. The main content of the Programme is based on the material and resources developed on the first edition of the Arqus Collaboratory Programme “Rethinking Climate Risk”. The Collaboratory Programme consists of a challenge based-research training addressed to students from all Arqus universities that combines virtual and physical mobility and the joint development of transdisciplinary projects in the cities of the Alliance.
The MOOC on Climate Change incorporates an interdisciplinary perspective to approach key areas such as global warming, exploitation of mineral resources, environmental education, green chemistry, soil, sea level fluctuation, legal protection of the environment, sustainable development objectives and circular economy.
The Course has 75 hours of duration and it is recognised with 3 ECTS for the students of the University of Granada. The Programme is divided into 6 modules plus one transversal module: “Understanding climate change: a chemical approach”, “Mineral resources, sustainability and climate change”, “Soil: the great unknown in the fight against global warming”, “Global warming in the coastal strip: scenarios, impacts and adaptation/mitigation measures”, “What is the circular economy? Theory and reality” and “Environmental education and climate change”.
For more information and registration, please visit this website. Once there, at the bottom, click on the button “Continuar” and register.