The virtual TTOs exchanges start today
28 Oct 2021The virtual Technology and Transfer Offices (TTOs) exchanges start today with the discussion about building awareness: Sharing experiences about raising awareness on patent/transfer/spin-off creation”.
As part of Action Line 5, Entrepreneurial university & Regional engagement, a series of virtual meetings starts today with the objective of bringing together the different TTOs of the Arqus Alliance. In an informal environment, referents of each TTO will share points of view and best practices to overcome the most important challenges that TTOs face nowadays.
These constructive discussions will be held every month. The challenges have been identified in order of relevance for the TTOs. In this way, each month there will be a new topic to discuss according to common preferences.
The main goal of these meetings is to strengthen ties between the TTOs of the Alliance and to boost benchmarking between them, in order to learn the best practices implemented in each context.
06 Mar 2025