28 November 2023

Arqus Student Ambassadors from Granada explore the Student Services at the University of Padua

From 21st to 23rd November, Paula and Álvaro, two students from the University of Granada (UGR), embarked on a short mobility trip to the University of Padua (UNIPD) to delve into the diverse student services offered. The visit aimed to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange between the two institutions, and it is part of the Arqus UGR local Ambassadors programme that involves 10 more UGR students in ...

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The Arqus R.I. Project approaches its conclusion with two major events

The Arqus Research and Innovation Project (Arqus R.I.), the initiative fostering collaboration in R&I across the Arqus universities, gears up for its final major events as it draws towards its conclusive phase in December 2023. With a mission to discuss specific proposals for the continuation and further development of the Arqus R.I. activities and results, the project holds the Arqus R&I ...

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27 November 2023

“Leipzig as a creative city”, first session of the series “Doing business in…”

What makes Leipzig interesting as a start-up location? Why should you definitely come to Leipzig to see the opportunities for yourself and find out about the German market and gain initial experience? On 4th December, the series "Doing business in..." will start with a session devoted to the opportunities offered to entrepreneurs and start-up companies by the city of ...

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22 November 2023

Arqus student ambassadors from Granada visit the University of Graz

From 6th to 8th November, Valentina and Sara, two students from the University of Granada (UGR), visited the University of Graz (UG) to find out more about the service facilities and offers for students. The visit was framed on the local ambassador’s programme organised by the University of Granada within the Arqus Alliance to foster the relationship between the students of the member universities. In addition to ...

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The new Arqus podcast on Higher Education transformation is already out!

Would you like to know how European Universities are changing the current research and education models across the continent? The new Arqus Knowledge Pills' podcast episode "Bologna 2.0.? How European Higher Education Alliances are changing Research and Studies?" is already available! Alliances in European Higher Education are built to transform studying in every European country, ignoring barriers in language, between disciplines and ...

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