Arqus exhibition at the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
09 May 2022From 2nd to 4th May, Arqus was in the spotlight at the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1! An exhibition was organised in the university library with posters presenting each of the partner universities. This exhibition aimed at presenting the Alliance while highlighting its opportunities.
Students had the opportunity to learn more about Arqus and were able to get goodies with the logo of the Alliance. An Arqus team was on hand to answer any questions.
On Wednesday 4th, a round table was organised to conclude the event. On this occasion, a student who has completed an Arqus mobility was present to share her experience as well as a staff member from Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 in charge of mobilities to explain to students how to go abroad with Arqus.
Many students who had never heard from Arqus were able to discover the many perspectives the Alliance has to offer. After this event, many of them signed up for the Arqus newsletter in order not to miss the next summer and winter schools. They were particularly attracted by the member universities and many projects have emerged: some now want to study marine biology in Padua and others physics in Granada!
During the round table, the students present were able to ask their questions and listen to the valuable advice of Anna, who spent a week in Padua thanks to Arqus as part of her doctorate. One of the students was particularly enthusiastic about the topics of climate change and biodiversity and would love to participate in the next event on the subject.
Overall, the event was a success and will be repeated at different Lyon 1 locations to further introduce Arqus to students.
News prepared by Doriane Duvault, Communications Assistant at the International Relations Department of the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.