Arqus launches the Arqus International Forum on Romance Studies
25 Feb 2021Arqus has created a new multidisciplinary Arqus research network and platform to bolster research and scientific exchange on the Romance languages (linguistics, literature and cultural studies) within the Alliance.
The Forum, multilingual by design, will offer various possibilities to connect, to increase research and teaching capacities and to push new ideas and approaches in an international and inspiring environment backed by the joint power of seven high-level European universities.
The Forum’s core activities will be twofold: on the one hand, events, such as congresses, summer schools, international seminars for students, workshops, etc., and on the other hand, the creation of international research groups with a Pan-Romance focus.
Additionally, permanent activities like streaming channels and a monographic series are going to strengthen the scientific ties.
The Arqus International Forum on Romance Studies (AIFRS) will give these collaborations a matrix structure, which will enable the participating scholars to efficiently develop new joint research activities on a large European scale, as well as integrate existing research lines and projects, benefitting from synergy effects and the expertise at the different Arqus universities.
The initial board of the Forum consists of the five academic coordinators: Victoriano Peña Sánchez and David Porcel Bueno from the University of Granada, and Katharina Gerhalter, Stefan Koch and Fausto De Michele from the University of Graz. Further founding members are renowned scholars from all Arqus partner universities.
The first events and activities are in the making and will be announced with the launch of the official webpage within approximately two months’ time. Until then, you can contact the coordinators:, or for details, information or intended collaborations.
07 Mar 2025
06 Mar 2025