The 2022 Arqus Annual Conference starts today!
04 Apr 2022More than 200 students and staff from Arqus universities are meeting this week in Padua for the 2022 Annual Conference. This year Conference theme is “Free to Choose: Fostering Access to Higher Education in European Universities” and the event is being held as part of the University of Padua’s 800th-anniversary celebrations.
The Conference will be an opportunity for discussion and exchange of experiences between students, academics and other professional staff of all Arqus universities, and a meeting place for those who work together, and at a distance, on the action lines of the Alliance.
The event will be held in a hybrid model, both in-person and online. It will consist of three types of events: several internal working meetings, a series of open plenary sessions and other side events. Besides, prior to the official start of the Conference, a Student-led forum will be organized by the students participating in the Arqus Collaboratory Programme 2022.
The official opening of the Conference will take place on Tuesday, 5th April, at the Aula Magna of Palazzo Bo of the University of Padua. The opening and the other open plenary sessions will be streamed live on the Arqus YouTube channel and the programme can be found here. Honouring the main topic of this year, the plenary sessions will focus on the new perspectives for the European University initiative and on how the Alliances can contribute to a more inclusive higher education system.
Moreover, the Rectors of the Arqus universities will hold a signature ceremony where several official documents will be signed, being a major milestone in the development of the Alliance. Among them, 2 new Joint Master’s Programmes will be ratified: a Joint Master’s Programmes on “European Studies” and a Joint Master’s Programme in “Translation and Interpreting”.
Download the Programme of the Annual Conference– 5th-6th April (Palazzo Bo, Padua).
Watch the open sessions on the Arqus YouTube channel.
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