Arqus participates in an open session on internationalisation strategies of European University Alliances during the Coimbra Group Annual Conference & General Assembly
01 Jun 2023|
01 Jun 2023The Arqus Coordinator, Dorothy Kelly, is participating today in the open session “Alliances becoming Global Actors: Opportunities and Challenges” organised in the framework of the Coimbra Group 2023 Annual Conference & General Assembly hosted by the University of Cologne. The session will run from 14:30 to 15:30 CEST and will be live-streamed on the Coimbra Group YouTube Channel.
One of the objectives of the European Universities Initiative is to foster the international competitiveness of European Higher Education. To achieve this goal, Alliances are developing diverse strategies such as projecting themselves internationally, building networks with key partners around the world, strengthening the capacities of partners in third countries and bolstering the international (inward and outward) mobility of students, researchers, academics and staff.
European Universities Alliances have been developing the above areas at a different pace. This session will focus on the global outreach of the Alliances and the contribution of the European Universities Initiative to European Higher Education’s global attractiveness, competitiveness, and engagement.
After a scene-setting by the Coimbra Group Executive Board member, Danny Donoghue, and the Head of Unit of Higher Education (DG EAC) at the European Commission, Vanessa Debiais-Saniton, three Alliances with Coimbra Group members, the Arqus Alliance, represented by Dorothy Kelly, 4EU+ Alliance, by Lenka Rovná, and CHARM-EU Alliance, by Raúl Ramos Lobo, will highlight the opportunities and challenges they are facing in developing and implementing joint internationalisation activities and strategies.
Update: You can watch this session here.