Arqus Research Days 2022!
07 Oct 2022From 24th to 26th October, Arqus Research & Innovation will hold the Arqus Research Days in Brussels. The event will bring together European policy makers, Vice-Rectors of the Arqus universities and members of the Management and Communications team of the Alliance to discuss the results achieved so far and to plan the second half of the project.
The first day, 24th October, Vice-Rectors of the Alliance will meet with members of the Euroepan DG for Research and Innovation (DG-RTD) and the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE Committee) of the European Parliament. The next two days will be devoted to internal working meetings of the Arqus RI Work Package members for insights for the second part of the project. During these meetings, key aspects of the project will be discussed such as how to strength the research dimension of Arqus through the connection between funding streams of the Alliance or the data protection and ethical protocol to be applied.
On the last day it is programmed that the Arqus RI Workpackage members meet with the Communications team of the Alliance to discuss the dissemination and sustainability strategy and the Horizon Results Booster tool, the initiative of the European Commission to support the exploitation of the results of the Horizon 2020 projects.
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