Participate in the Graz Winter School on Biohybrid Multi-Level Complex Systems!
23 Oct 2023|
23 Oct 2023The University of Graz invites Arqus students to participate in the Winter School “Modelling and Measuring Biohybrid Multi-Level Complex Systems” that will take place from 20th to 23rd February 2024 at this university. 5 places are reserved for the best 5 applicants from the Arqus universities.
The goal of this Winter School is to teach state-of-the-art methods to study bio-hybrid systems that are composed of technological agents and living agents which interact with each other and across the aisle. Namely, the systems that are comprised of technology and honeybees, technology and plants and technology and humans will be studied as well as the technology that observes aquatic organisms that respond to changes in the quality of their habitat.
This Winter School will give an opportunity to interested students and young researchers to widen their knowledge in the field of bio-hybrid systems and multi-level modelling. We especially foresee that participants from the field of bio-robotics, swarm-robotics, swarm biology, ethology, ecological modelling and modelling of swarm-intelligent systems/algorithms will benefit from attending this Winter School.
The Program will consist of an opening keynote talk, a discussion round, thematically connected lectures given by selected researchers and a networking event.
5 places are reserved for the best 5 applicants from the Arqus universities.
These students have to meet the general requirements for acceptance in the first place. Other Arqus students may be selected based on their applications, being ranked for spots within the general pool of applicants.
Students interested in participating should submit their CV, a short motivation letter and a list of their preferred practicals to The application deadline is 20th November 2023. For further details and program, please download the following brochure, visit this website or contact