Students from Université Lyon 3 organise a debate on the theme “Climate risk: the future of our mountains”
28 Jan 2022|
28 Jan 2022Within the framework of the Université Lyon 3 Master degree RISE – Governance of Environmental Risks, students are organising a conference-debate on the theme “Climate risk: the future of our mountains”. The event, which will take place in person at the Université Lyon 3 on 2nd February, is in partnership with the Arqus Research Focus Forum on Climate Change and Biodiversity that has been postponed to spring. The conference will be available on the Arqus Youtube channel.
Mountain areas are on the front line of climate change. They are a witness to the changes to come: the rise in temperature there is twice as high as the national average. While climate risks have an impact on the economic and social life of its populations, they also threaten its natural habitats. The most emblematic case concerns winter tourism activities, which are jeopardised by climate change, even though they are a primary source of income for its inhabitants.
This phenomenon is a new mountain “sickness” and forces us to rethink the way we live in the mountains.
In order to address these issues, four guests will be present alongside the students and their teachers:
• Olivier Erard, Director of the Syndicat Mixte du Mont d’Or
• Simon Gerard, Project Manager of Alpes-Climat-Risque
• Frédéric Marion, General Manager of Grand Massif Domaines Skiables
• Vincent Neirinck, Representative of Mountain Wilderness, Comité de massif des Alpes
The language of the conference is French.