The University of Padua holds the first “Scholars at Risk Italia Student Advocacy Day: Free to think”



22 Jun 2021

The University of Padua invites you to the “Scholars at Risk (SAR) Italia Student Advocacy Day: Free to think” on Wednesday 23rd of June from 10:30 to 16:00. The event will take place in the Cortile Antico, Palazzo Bo, via VIII Febbraio 2, Padova, following all the Covid-19 safety measures.

This is a joint collaboration between the Student Advocacy Seminar held at the University of Padova and Studenti per – UDU Padova.

The aim of this event is to raise awareness about the relevance of academic freedom for the entire university community including governance, researchers and students.

Seminar participants and invited academics will present the cases of Dr. Ahmad Reza Djalali and Patrick Zaki, scholars unlawfully arrested in Iran and Egypt. International and Italian students will also speak about instances of violations in other contexts, such as Belarus.

The event will present actions developed during the semester by students involved in the SAR Advocacy Seminar. Also signatures will be collected for petitions in support of the two scholars, in collaboration with SAR Italy and Amnesty International.

Invited speakers include the University Rector, Vice-rector for International Relations, Assessora Francesca Benciolini, Professors Paolo de Stefani, Giuseppe Acconcia, Claudia Padovani, Francesca Helm.

The event is taking place in a physical space, but people can still join the campaign on social media: 

– Sign the Scholars at Risk’s petitions calling for the release of the scholars Ahmadreza Djalali and Patrick Zaki.

– Join us on the social media campaign for the “Scholars at Risk (SAR) Italia Student Advocacy Day: Free to think” on Wednesday 23rd of June from 10:30 to 16:00, through Twitter and Instagram, using the tags:  #SaveAhmadreza  #FreePatrickZaki  #FreeToThinkUnipd  #FreedomForAllScholars. Follow SAR UniPd on Instagram and Twitter: @SAR_unipd.




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