Participate in the AIFRS 2nd edition of the Arqus International Colloquium on Romance Literature and Culture!
24 Feb 2023|
24 Feb 2023The Arqus International Forum on Romance Studies (AIFRS), the multilingual, interdisciplinary network for research and teaching on Romance languages within the Arqus Alliance, launches the second edition of the Arqus International Colloquium on Romance Literature and Culture from 28th March to 9th May. The new edition, organised entirely in a virtual format, will be coordinated by Professor Silvia Datteroni from the Department of Philology: Romance, Italian, Galician-Portuguese and Catalan of the University of Granada.
For several decades now, a new humanism has been proposed within the literary field. Driving by translational dynamics, this proposal includes further research on cultural alterities and otherness, which can be summarized with the term “naciones literarias” (Romero López 2006).
According to Udo Schöning (2006), the historical and literary analysis, that continually relocates a specific work within its exclusive national context, generates a hermeneutic aporia, due to the factual internationality of the text. Throughout his reflection, the author poses two important questions in his exhaustive critical analysis: on the one hand, why a particular work or literature has emerged at a given historical moment and in a specific reality and why, on the other hand, a certain work born in a specific context has had cultural effects on a different area and era.
Both questions are the starting point for the new proposal for the 2nd edition of the virtual Arqus International Colloquium on Romance Literature and Culture. The speakers invited will present and reflect on specific cases of literary resignification that have been generated throughout the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries in the different Romance Literatures. It will be possible, thus, to determine some common and necessary cultural guidelines so as to rethink national literatures within a glocal Romance perspective (Robertson 1992).
The invited speakers and lectures are the following:
18 April: “Una aproximación a la recepción de la novela histórica de Almudena Grandes en Italia” / “An approach to the reception of the historical novel by Almudena Grandes in Italy” by Julia Nawrot (University of Granada).
25 April: “Desterritorializaciones y resignificaciones de la ficción de la memoria del pasado español. Un análisis de las interpretaciones de la obra de Rafael Chirbes” | “Deterritorializations and resignifications of the fiction of Spanish historical memory. An analysis of the interpretations of Rafael Chirbes’ literary work” by Janneth Español Casallas (Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD).
2 May: “Soldados de Salamina: del libro al filme. Memoria, Ficción, Autoficción y metaficción” / “Soldados de Salamina: from book to film. Memory, Fiction, Auto-fiction and metafiction” by Elios Mendieta (University of Granada).
9 May: “Más allá del contexto nacional: permutaciones del bovarismo y transposición de las técnicas literarias de Zola en Los pazos de Ulloa de Emilia Pardo Bazán” / “Beyond the National Context: Permutations of the Bovarist Theme and the Transposition of Zola’s Naturalist Techniques in The House of Ulloa by Emilia Pardo Bazán” by Marcin Kołakowski (University of Warsaw).
16 May: “¿Desde dónde habla la literatura española? Identidad e imaginarios geográficos (1966-1986)” / “Where does Spanish Literature speak from? Identity and geographic imaginaries (1966-1986)” by Carlos Femenías Ferrà (Universitat de Barcelona).
Information about the registration will be published soon.