The Arqus calls 2021/22 for Research Stays & Site Visits will open in autumn 2021



23 Jun 2021

The Arqus Action Line 6 “Research support & Early Stage Researcher Development” has set itself the goal of sustainably promoting existing and emerging cooperation in the most diverse profile-forming areas and intensifying cooperation in research at the partner universities in Bergen, Granada (Spain), Graz, Leipzig, Lyon* (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, and Université Jean Monnet at Saint-Etienne), Padua and Vilnius. In autumn 2021, the Calls 2021/22 for Research Stays & Site Visits for doctoral groups will be opened, with which the team of Action Line 6 would like to come closer to this goal and invite all researchers and early-stage researchers at the Arqus partner universities to take advantage of the opportunities opened up by various formats of cooperation.

Research Stays

Within the framework of the activity “6.5 Exchange Educates: short term exchange programmes for postgraduate students, ESRs, senior researchers or professors”, researchers and ESRs at the Arqus partner universities are given the opportunity to spend short or medium to long-term research periods at one of the partner universities. The stay offers researchers the opportunity to give new input to their own field of research through lectures or research collaborations on-site, to initiate joint research projects or to continue successful collaborations. Early stage researchers can use the research stay for training in new research methods, for the use of specific research resources (e.g. archives, laboratories) or to initiate cooperation with a possible second supervisor from one of the partner universities. The call 2021/2022 will invite researchers and ESRs of the Arqus partners to apply for funding for a research stay at one of the Arqus universities.

Site Visits/Joint Activities of Doctoral Groups

Within the framework of the activity “6.11 Arqus PhD: an initiative to connect existing PhD training programmes”, PhD groups from Arqus partner universities have the opportunity to apply for funding for site visits and joint activities to initiate sustainable research and training collaborations with Arqus partners. This initiative can be used for joint activities for summer schools, for the development of teaching materials for research seminars in doctoral training, for workshops on innovative methods and theories in the doctoral programmes offered at the partner universities or for exploring possibilities for cross-institutional research topics.

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