9 January 2025

How can songs benefit foreign language classes?Find out in the new “9 Months, 9 Universities” webinar

Incorporating songs into foreign language classes offers numerous pedagogical benefits. Songs provide authentic language exposure which is crucial for developing listening skills and pronunciation. Moreover, songs often contain colloquial expressions and idiomatic phrases, making them valuable for learning everyday language use. Werbinar: Songs in foreign language classes: Learning in and about cultural context. 21 January at 10 am CET. ...

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The University of Granada invites Arqus academics of the Economics and Business fields to participate in its International Week 2025

The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Granada (UGR) is organizing an International Week from 18 to 21 March 2025 open to all Arqus partners. International participants should apply for Erasmus + short stay grants through their universities to finance their participation in this International Week. This event offers a unique opportunity to exchange experiences and foster synergies among institutions.

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8 January 2025

The University of Padua offers funding for 30-month research projects

The University of Padua has just launched the fifth edition of the Supporting TAlent in ReSearch@University of Padua - STARS@UNIPD 2025 call for proposals. This programme supports excellent 30-month research projects to be conducted in Padua, by outstanding Principal Investigators (PIs) of any age and nationality, choosing the University and one of its 32 Departments as their working base. The STARS@UNIPD call intends to promote and ...

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7 January 2025

Second Arqus webinar on English as a Medium of Instruction

The second webinar of this academic year, “Research themes and methods in EMI: An overview and an example study from Algeria", will be jointly delivered by Yulia Kharchenko, assistant professor in applied linguistics and English (TESOL & EMI) at Maynooth University, and Sidi Ahmed Berrabah, a PhD candidate at the University of Limerick. It will take place online on Thursday, 16 January 2025, ...

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20 December 2024

Creating spaces where we can thrive: Students and experts unite at Vilnius University’s ADHD and inclusive education conference

Vilnius University held a conference on an increasingly relevant topic – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). For the first time, representatives from two Arqus universities were able to attend the event in person. Margaret Flood from Maynooth University shared her knowledge on applying the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) strategies in classrooms to accommodate diverse student needs, while students from Leipzig University offered personal perspectives on navigating ...

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