31 October 2023

2nd Arqus R&I Days: Final Conference of the Arqus Research and Innovation project

The Arqus RI Final Conference will take place in Brussels on 4th December 2023. The highlight of this encounter will be the presentation of proposals to give continuity to the successful results of the Arqus R.I. project, with the aim of reaching commitments from Arqus universities to develop future actions. The event will be devoted mainly to the discussion by Action Line ...

Arqus RI
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The University of Padua organises the Conference “Competing Trends in International Education”

The University of Padua organises the face-to-face Conference “Competing Trends in International Education: Fostering Responsible Approaches” on 15th November 2023 from 9:00 to 16:30 CET at the Palazzo Bo in Padua.  The event will gather together Arqus and other world-leading experts to discuss current trends, challenges and opportunities in the field of internationalization of Higher Education. Geopolitics, demographic changes, regionalisation and marketisation ...

University of Padua
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30 October 2023

Participate in the consultation of the Arqus UPR Implementation Collaborative Project about human rights performance

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Implementation Collaborative Project team, one of the successful projects selected in the first call of the Student Co-Designed Projects of the Arqus Student Agora, invites the Arqus community of students, PhD candidates and professors to participate in a consultation about the human rights performance in Angola, Bolivia, Italy, and Turkey. The Universal Periodic Review is a unique ...

University of Padua
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27 October 2023

Minho receives the visit of the first Arqus student ambassadors from Granada

Two students from the University of Granada, Ana Gabriela Rodríguez and Carlos Antequera, have made a short mobility stay at the University of Minho from 23 to 25 October. This visit was framed on the local ambassador's programme organised by the University of Granada within the Arqus Alliance. The main goal of the visit was the observance of the services offered to students at ...

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Building the Arqus EMI Community of Practice: New series of seminars

This seminar series, organised and facilitated by Maynooth University, invites researchers and practitioners across Arqus Alliance universities, who are already engaging or have just started the process of engagement with English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) in their institutions. The series is seen as an interactive and supportive forum for practitioners and researchers to engage in regular dialogue to exchange experiences of EMI and become familiar ...

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    Controller: University of Granada (as Coordinator of the Arqus European University Alliance). Legal basis: Arqus is entitled to process your data under the provisions of Article 6.1. (a) of the GDPR: “the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes”. Purpose: to manage your subscription to mailing lists and to periodically send you the requested information by electronic means. Recipients: Mailchimp. Rights: access, object, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability. Additional information here.