The Arqus Alliance works on building a research community by providing regular opportunities for researchers from its member universities to network, share experiences and exchange ideas. Over the past four years, fourteen networking events, supported by Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020 funding, have facilitated meetings between around 400 Arqus researchers. These events have catalysed various collaborative initiatives, with a seed funding supporting follow-up meetings to nurture and advance these collaborative efforts.
A total of 36 researcher mobilities were supported by the Arqus R.I. seed funding, with the aim of facilitating the development of joint project proposals. According to a survey of participating researchers, the combined efforts of these mobilities and the seed funding (a total of €40,000) have resulted in a dozen new joint project applications submitted to various European, national and bi-national funding agencies by December 2023. The applications cover a range of Horizon calls, including WIDERA, Health (Stayhealthy), Pathfinder Challenges, MSCA Doctoral Networks and the Green ERA Hub.
Other fruitful collaborations resulting from Arqus networking activities include joint publications, teaching exchanges and PhD exchanges.
See details in Fact Sheet R&I in Arqus, Update Dec 2023, Point 5/ Project proposals resulting from Arqus RI activities.