You developed a business idea and you want to test it immediately in an international market?
Arqus offers you the chance to get in touch with potential international clients, suppliers and startup ecosystems within the network of Arqus partner universities in Europe.
Arqus will get you in touch with interesting local contacts via the incubators and accelerators at the respective universities.
Arqus can cover your travel expenses if you are a researcher or student at one of our partner universities.
You are still not sure which target market is the best for you?
The ISLYE program (“International Soft Landing for Young Entrepreneurs”) offers you the chance to visit the start-up incubators of all our partner universities and to participate in the respective entrepreneurship programs.
However, how do know which of the different destinations is the best to further develop your business idea? Where do you find the market that is interesting for you to target? Where is the adequate ecosystem that can make your business grow?
Please find some information about our partner universities below, including contacts to reach out to if you want to know more about the different opportunities: