18 May 2023

Apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship at one of the Arqus Universities!

The Arqus Alliance invites talented and motivated researchers to apply for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF) at one of the Arqus Universities as a host institution. MSCA-PF is among the flagship, most prestigious research fellowships in Europe, with the objective of supporting researchers’ careers, enhancing their creative and innovative potential, and fostering excellence in research. This action targets ...

Maynooth UniversityUniversity of GrazUniversity of MinhoUniversity of PaduaUniversity of WroclawVilnius University
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The Arqus Student House and the Student Engagement Team Padova collaborate for the Human Rights Café on Mental Health Challenges during Thesis Writing

The Student House, under the umbrella of the Arqus Alliance at the University of Padua (UNIPD), is teaming up with the Student Engagement Team (SET Padova) to organise SET’s thought-provoking event called the Human Rights Café. Taking place on Friday, May 19th, at 17:30, this event aims to shed light on the mental health challenges faced by students during the thesis writing process. The ...

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Learn Portuguese this summer with Arqus!

The University of Minho invites Arqus students to register for the 33rd Summer Course of Portuguese as a Foreign Language at BabeliUM – Language Centre of the School of Letters, Arts and Human Sciences, which will run from 3rd to 28th July in Braga (Portugal). The course, offered for the first time to the Arqus community, has 72 hours of classes and ...

University of Minho
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VU hosts the Arqus R&I Bridging Workshop on Digital Urban Transitions and Sustainable Computing

Around 25 researchers from six Arqus universities are expected to participate. A guest speaker from the Arqus Ukrainian associate partner National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, researcher Prof. Bogdana Oliynik, will speak on the situation of Ukrainian researchers in the current war context. Vilnius University is holding the second of two Arqus R&I bridging workshops on “Bridging the Green and Digital Transitions”. Academics and researchers ...

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17 May 2023

Granada hosts an online conference on terminology management in academic institutions, with a special focus on the Arqus Alliance case

The University of Granada would like to invite Arqus community to the online conference “Terminology management in academic institutions: why, how and tools” that will take place next 25th May at 14:00 CEST. To foster multilingual and multicultural processes and communication in academic institutions, universities need to implement institutional terminology management protocols to support the systematic standardisation and harmonisation of official and ...

University of Granada
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    Controller: University of Granada (as Coordinator of the Arqus European University Alliance). Legal basis: Arqus is entitled to process your data under the provisions of Article 6.1. (a) of the GDPR: “the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes”. Purpose: to manage your subscription to mailing lists and to periodically send you the requested information by electronic means. Recipients: Mailchimp. Rights: access, object, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability. Additional information here.